
All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go.

How to Replace Friends' URLs & Pics

August 7 2008, 12:59 AM

Many people had questions about how to do this so I decided to make an entry based on the subject. I hope it helps :) 

Now, under the friends section, you'll usually see something like this in a marquee.

<a href="FRIENDURLHERE"><img  src="">

The img src url,, is different for every layout, however the structure is same for my layouts.

Meaning don't worry if the img src url is different. This is just an example.

We'll start with replacing friend's url.

1. Go to your friend's profile

2. Copy the url

You may use the one with the friend id in it like this

or the url that the user had chosen like this

3. Replace FRIENDURLHERE with the copied url

Now we'll replace the friend's pic.

1. Go to your friend's profile

2. Move your mouse so that it is hovering the friend's profile picture like so...

3. Right-click

4. Click on properties

5. Copy the address (url)

6. Replace with the copied url

In the end it'll look something like this.
<a href=""><img  src=""></a>

If you still have questions about it, don't hesitate to leave a comment!

Posted in layouts


casschai: how can you make your friends pictures smaller so that the... 08-18-08 09:45 AM

2007 Layouts

January 27 2008, 10:55 AM


analleli1: i totally love ur layouts ive used to of them already i love... 08-03-08 06:31 PM


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Last update Aug 7, 2008
